Maurice Jackson: Joining us for a conversation is Bob Moriarty, the founder of 321gold and 321energy and the author of two of my personal favorite books, "The Art of Peace" and "Nobody Knows Anything." Mr. Moriarty, welcome to the show, sir.
Bob Moriarty: Thank you. It's good to talk to you.
Maurice Jackson: Bob, as always, it's an honor to have you on our show, sir. We have some important topics to cover for the audience. I would like to begin our discussion regarding geopolitics by regions beginning in the United States. What has your attention and why?
Bob Moriarty: Oh God. I think this week by the time you put this out will know one way or another, but the Kavanaugh debacle, it's embarrassing. The rest of the world is watching the United States make a fool of themselves.
Maurice Jackson: It truly is. Let me ask this as well. How about the Federal Reserve increasing increase rate? Talk to us also about your thoughts regarding the new trade agreement that we have with Canada.
Bob Moriarty: Well, I'm glad to see there is a trade agreement. Certainly, Canada has recognized its 300% tariffs on dairy products were foolish. Socialism is very popular, because when you feel the government is doing something just for you, you're all in favor of it. Canada's policy has been good for 16,000 dairy farmers in Canada and bad for everybody else. It was a stupid policy on their part. I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump. I think the man's a blithering idiot; however, some of his points are perfectly valid. Canada had absurd tariffs on dairy products, protecting their dairy industry. They needed to change them. Obviously, I don't have all the details any more than you, but Trump has been successful in getting Mexico to realize there were issues that needed to be sorted and China and now Canada. I think it's a good idea.
Maurice Jackson: How about the Federal Reserve increase in interest rates? Should that be something that we should be concerned about?
Bob Moriarty: When you're in debt far more than you can ever pay, it really doesn't make a rat's ass what the interest rate is, because the critical issue isn't the interest rate. The critical issue is can I pay this back? The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates. They're reversing QE. They were incredibly stupid for 10 years. Now, we get to pay the price. Now, there's going to be a massive recession/depression. That's going to occur regardless of the interest rates. The interest rate increase just make it happen a little faster.
Maurice Jackson: I'm going to be interested to see what's going to occur with the peripheral markets here as they unwind this QE per se. Let's move now to the Middle East and specifically Syria, which involves a number of players fighting there. What are you focused on?
Bob Moriarty: Let me ask a question first of all, because the issue has to go to the heart of self-defense. Under the British education system, they teach you the question is more important than the answer. There's a very valid reason for that. If you don't ask the right question, you never come to the right answer. We are fed nonsense on a regular basis. It's because people don't ask the right question. Let me ask you a question, does Israel have a natural right to self-defense?
Maurice Jackson: They do.
Bob Moriarty: Okay. If Israel has a natural right to self- defense, does Syria have that same right?
Maurice Jackson: They do as well.
Bob Moriarty: Yeah, of course they do. Even more interesting, if Israel and Syria have a natural right of self-defense, does Gaza?
Maurice Jackson: They do.
Bob Moriarty: Of course they do. They're not really a country, per se. Israel is just cut up Palestine into little tiny unmanageable parts, but yes. Everyone has the right to self-defense. Do you personally have a right to self-defense?
Maurice Jackson: Yes, I do, sir.
Bob Moriarty: Of course you do. Everybody does. We assume that Israel has a right to self-defense and not only do they have a right to self-defense, the United States has an obligation to fight their wars for them. That's really pretty stupid, but Syria has right of self-defense. Iran has the right to self-defense. Iraq has the right to self-defense. Gaza has a right to self-defense.
All of the problems in the Middle East go back to Israel wanting to steal land. They've been stealing land since 1947, and Russia has just said, "Okay, here's a line in the sand. If you cross it, we're going to shoot your aircraft down." Russia has put in a bunch of S300 SAM missiles into Syria and said, "Okay, United States, you stay out. Turkey, you stay out. Israel, you stay out." They've got all the right in the world to do that. I'll be real candid. I'm speaking as a pilot with 1200 hours of flying as a combat pilot with over 800 missions. I wouldn't mess with Russia.
Maurice Jackson: No, they seem to be a very formidable foe there. We're talking about the U.S. involvement in the Middle East. The United States this year will become the largest producer of oil. How will this impact our relationship and involvement in the Middle East in the future years?
Bob Moriarty: I'm not sure that there's a direct connection. Our central problem in the Middle East is the total and absolute control that AIPAC and Benjamin Netanyahu have over the American political process. Whenever a congressman and senator are elected, they meet with representatives from AIPAC. AIPAC asks them to sign a document saying they will support Israel. No other country in the world would get away with that, but Israel feels they can do anything because the United States will always protect them. In fact, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, the war in Libya, Somalia, Sudan, all those stupid wars in the Middle East, none of them are in the interest of the United States, but we have fought them because Sheldon Adelson paid $35 million to buy the office of the presidency. In 2016, he bought the United States presidency. Everything that Trump does, he does after seeing what Adelson wants him to do. Bolton is his pet lap dog, and these are very scary people.
Maurice Jackson: What would you say the probably is of the United States deploying troops there?
Bob Moriarty: To where?
Maurice Jackson: To Syria.
Bob Moriarty: We got troops there now.
Maurice Jackson: I agree. I'm referring to it on a mass scale that we had in Afghanistan and Iraq, sir.
Bob Moriarty: Zero. We're there absolutely, totally illegally. The government of Syria has said, "Hey, get your ass out." Russia has said, "Hey, get your ass out." There's no legal basis whatsoever for the United States being there. I'm not even sure what the government claims their basis is. We have troops in Syria, which has a democratically elected government. It's a sovereign nation. The U.S. has no business there. We were supporting the terrorists. We were the terrorists.
Maurice Jackson: Let's move now to the Far East. Give us your thoughts on the United States and China there with the trade situation.
Bob Moriarty: I did make mention of it there with Canada and Mexico. China has abused not just the United States. They've abused the rest of the world in an effort to catch up economically. China has made major progress in the last 20 to 25 years, but they have done it using very unfair tactics. What they want to do is they want to control all of the manufacture of goods. That's very bad. When I was in high school, this was before Nixon went to China, we would say if you really wanted to get wealthy what you should do is set up a t-shirt factory for making t-shirts to the Chinese. Because you could march the Chinese by in a formation 16 people wide and as fast as you could have them put on t-shirts, there were more Chinese.
The one thing that never occurred to us is the Chinese could make t-shirts too. The Chinese started making t-shirts for themselves. Now, they make t-shirts for everybody. They've had an unfair competitive advantage. Trump and the rest of the world said, "Hey, we need to have a level playing field." To the extent, and I will credit both Mexico and China and Canada, they've recognized that there's some substance to what Trump says. He's not going to get everything that he wants, but he's made major progress.
Maurice Jackson: Seems like there might be some light at the end of the tunnel, but I think you and I probably agree that nobody wins in a trade war. Am I correct with that statement, sir?
Bob Moriarty: No. 100%. Nobody wins any war.
Maurice Jackson: That's absolutely right.
Bob Moriarty: I wrote an entire book about that. The only thing that happens in any war, trade war or real war is one side loses more than the other.
Maurice Jackson: The book that you're referring to for the audience is "The Art of Peace." Bob, I'll be remissive. I didn't ask this question for you here, we're still in the Far East. Talk to us about the United States and the North Korean talks. How committed is North Korea and can we trust them?
Bob Moriarty: Here's the real issue, can they trust us? The United States violated every treaty that they ever signed. I think the guy that's running North Korea is a fat little toad. He's pretty much destroyed the country. It would behoove him to get along with South Korea and change the rules, but to the extent that the United States has not attacked him because he is nuclear armed and that's actually a bad thing for the US. We only attack countries that can't defend themselves. If they can defend themselves, we don't attack them.
Maurice Jackson: I believe there was a saying once I heard that we also don't attack countries that don't have central banks.
Bob Moriarty: That's true, but that has more to do with how advanced their economy is more than anything else. I'm not in favor of central banks. Central banks are very bad, but virtually everybody's got central banks except the countries that don't have banks.
Maurice Jackson: Alright. Let's move on to some mining companies, sir. Which issuers have your attention at the moment?
Bob Moriarty: Funny thing you say that. There's one that has everybody's attention. It caught my attention in a negative way. That was Garibaldi Resources Corp. (GGI:TSX.V; GGIFF:OTC). Garibaldi was a 15 cent stock 15 months ago, they drilled through a package of rocks that had been drilled 50 years before. They knew exactly what they were going to get, which were high-grade intercepts. But it was a very small package of rocks. The stock ran from 15 cents and recently passed $5 before going back. They were about to release results a week ago. I shared that the investors that were so bullish were about to learn what "buy the rumor, sell the news" meant. In fact, the stock went from $3 to under a dollar and a half in about a week. The stock was way overpriced at $3 a share. I think they got 106 million shares outstanding. It's a really good example of what happens when a company is too promotional.
Bob Moriarty: There's another company called Great Bear Resources Ltd. (GBR:TSX.V; GTBDF:OTC). They've released some results recently that are spectacular! Great Bear has 26 million shares. I think the stock's about $1.80. Great Bear is the antithesis; they're the opposite of Garibaldi. They had not communicated with the market at all. They got a market cap now of about $48 million when Garibaldi had a market cap of $300 million, but Great Bear absolutely is going to have at gold mine, good management. They just refuse to tell their story. It's really interesting to me because both companies are hurting their shareholders, Garibaldi by setting their shareholders up in advance of news and Great Bear by not communicating with their shareholders at all. Great Bear is 48 million. It should be 100 million. Garibaldi is 150 million now and probably should be 50 million. I'm not saying Garibaldi doesn't have a deposit, but they need to prove it instead of just talking about it.
Maurice Jackson: In that piece that you wrote, Bob, regarding Garibaldi, you were mainly discussing another company that's a sponsor of ours. That's Novo Resources Corp. (NVO:TSX.V; NSRPF:OTCQX). Talk to us about Novo.
Bob Moriarty: I love Novo. It's a great story. They have a second Witwatersrand in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Mark Creasy's been working on this 15 or 20 years and Quinton Hennigh has been working on for 10 to 15. He and I sat down with Mark Creasy. We had a discussion that lasted three or four hours nine years ago. They had overlapping theories. They both thought that it was another Witwatersrand. We went out to the field and what Quinton had described to me a year before, I actually saw in the field. I believe it's probably going to be the biggest gold deposit in the world. The really interesting thing about it is there are a lot of technical issues that make it very difficult. Did you go to Karratha?
Maurice Jackson: I was there last November, sir.
Bob Moriarty: Okay, you've seen the nuggety gold. You've seen the guys with metal detectors. The bigger the gold nugget, the harder it is to measure. I've maintained for 14 months that you cannot measure that gold. You cannot come up with a realistic resource, because it's too hard to measure. The only thing you can do is mine it. What they're doing is they're calling it trial mining, but trial mining is still mining. When you mine it, you know exactly what your grade is, but something interesting came up in the last two weeks. One of the things that Quinton and I saw, we went to the gold buyer in Karratha. We bought some gold from him. He said, "Would you like to see some of the gold from Egina?" We said, "Yeah." We bought some of that. The gold from Egina is identical to the gold from Comet Well and Purdy's Reward, but it's 125 kilometers away! My issue was how thick is the conglomerate, how high is the grade, and what's the horizontal extent?
I was convinced, "Hey, wait a minute. If you've got gold here and you've got identical gold 125 kilometers away, you have a very big deposit." All of the information that has come out in the last year has tended to verify that, but Novo has been like a bucking bronco. It goes up and it comes right back down, because trying to measure it is so difficult. Quinton did a deal that he's been working on for a year with an area that actually has a mining license and has free gold in gravel. That's going to be far easier and far cheaper to mine. You can actually come up with some hard numbers. I'm going go over and see it in a month, but it's a game changer. There's three kinds of gold that I've seen.
Bob Moriarty: I know of four kinds of gold. There's Beaton's Creek, which has a very typical gold, similar to South Africa. There's Karratha, which is this Comet Well and Purdy's Reward, that's nuggety gold, but that's in hard rock, conglomerate. Then, you've got Egina, which is the same conglomerate but the conglomerate has weathered into gravel, so you don't have to blast it. You don't have to crush it. You just have to run it through a gravity mill. It's a real game changer. He will be in trial mining. We go into the very hot season starting in December. December, January, February, you just can't work in the Pilbara in Western Australia. It's just too hot. It's 45-50 degrees centigrade, but come March, Novo will be in small scale production at Egina.
Maurice Jackson: That sounds very exciting for current and prospective shareholders. Let's talk about another company related to Dr. Quinton Hennigh, and that is Irving Resources Inc. (IRV:CSE; IRVRF:OTCBB). What can you share with us?
Bob Moriarty: You and I went to see it a year ago. Let me ask you a question, because you know everything that you need to know. We drove out there. They had dug up the ground a little bit.We saw veins that had tested as high as $25,000 to the ton! How deep were those veins?
Maurice Jackson: That was right on surface.
Bob Moriarty: It wasn't actually right on surface. It was like six inches under surface or twelve inches under surface. It wasn't actually at surface, but it was really close to the surface. How drunk would you have to get a monkey before he could screw up a drill program, drilling what you and I saw?
Maurice Jackson: You just have to give him a sip.
Bob Moriarty: You could get a monkey really drunk. He could be passed out, commode hugging drunk on the floor, and it wouldn't make any difference. He could point in any direction and say, "Drill there," and you're going hit some gold.
What's going to happen is they've got a drill rig on the way over there now. They're working out visas for some Canadian drillers, resources in the way of people is very difficult in Japan, because the population is actually decreasing. The population of people over 65 is increasing. Of course, those people want to retire. There are very few young people, but you need young guys working a drill crew. They have personnel issues as far as getting some locals to help them. The drill program, I think, will start in November, perhaps December. I think it's going to be very exciting. What you and I saw, it is impossible for them not to hit ultra-high grade gold, because a drunk monkey could do it!
Maurice Jackson: I would have to agree with everything you've just shared with us. It's truly remarkable what they have there. The CEO there, by the way for readers, is Akiko Levinson. Let's switch now to Jericho Oil Corp. (JCO:TSX.V; JROOF:OTC) if we may.
Bob Moriarty: Funny thing you mention that because I think oil is about to top, but Jericho has ... Let me think of a good way of putting it, has the most responsive management of any junior I've worked with in the last year or two. Jericho management is absolutely brilliant. They came to me four years ago, five years ago and said, "Here's what we're going to do. When the price of oil goes down, we're going to go out and we will pick up land packages that are being given away by companies that are going out of business, because they can't afford it. When the price of oil goes up, we will then go out and drill. We're going to advance these projects." To the extent that the CEO of the company has done everything that he's ever said. I have enormous admiration for him. They're drilling now. They're in the STACK play in Oklahoma. They know exactly what they're doing. They have a partner with very deep pockets. They have unlimited ability to drill. They're going to be very profitable. I think they've got about an $80 million market cap. Really good management.
Maurice Jackson: Speaking of the management there, the CEO there is Brian Williamson. Again, I echo what you're sharing in regarding Jericho Oil. We highly regard them. A good testament to what you're sharing is they meet deadlines. Everything they share, basically, is positive. Very responsive management. How about physical precious metals? I'd like to know what are you buying and why.
Bob Moriarty: Okay. Let's back track for just a minute. Since 2008, the world has added $250 trillion in debt. Will it be paid?
Maurice Jackson: The answer is no.
Bob Moriarty: No. It can't be possible.
Maurice Jackson: It can't be paid.
Bob Moriarty: The strange thing is all they did was advance consumption, okay? The numbers look good as far as GDP, but the things that we'd like to consume in a year or two or five or ten, we've advanced. We've already consumed them, but we still owe for them. Now which would you rather have, sometimes of real tangible value that people will always need or would you like to have a piece of paper representing debt?
Maurice Jackson: I'll take tangible every day, sir.
Bob Moriarty: Exactly. The strange thing is that people call me a gold bug. I'm not a gold bug. If I could buy a train full of oil and store it in my garage, I would. It's a really difficult transaction. Anything tangible and real that people are always going to need is a good thing to own right now, but you can't hide an oil tank under your bed. You can certainly hide a 100-ounce bar of silver under your bed or a chuck of gold. I'm pro-gold, pro-silver and platinum and palladium and rhodium, because they are tangible wealth, very portable wealth. It's something that you could secure. You can see how dangerous the governments are getting, how dangerous the banks are getting. Wells Fargo is a really interesting example. They've stolen more many than the bank robber's stole. It's amazing how corrupt crony capitalism is now. You want to stay away from assets that have counter party risk. Putting money in a bank ... When you deposit money into a bank, you go down to your bank and you put $100 into your bank account, who does that money belong to?
Maurice Jackson: The bank.
Bob Moriarty: Yeah. They owe you $100, but if they go under, guess what happened to your $100?
Maurice Jackson: It's gone.
Bob Moriarty: It went to money heaven just like "Bitcon" did.
Maurice Jackson: I want to share. There's a rebuttal that I know someone is probably thinking of, but we have the FDIC. I would encourage anyone that has that thought to revisit that concept and look at their website and do some research. We've actually posted an article about that regarding the FDIC. It's entitled Are We Insured? I didn't mean to cut you off, sir.
Bob Moriarty: No. You just raised a really good point. Yes, we absolutely are insured. Everybody needs to understand that. The FDIC guarantees your money, but what they don't tell you is they only have 0.8% of the cash on hand to pay you.
Maurice Jackson: That's exactly what I was referring to.
Bob Moriarty: With 0.8% of banks that go under the FDIC is going to guarantee your insurance, but the FDIC insurance like playing high stakes poker. The guy you're playing with is using a Sear's credit card.
Maurice Jackson: Let's go back to precious metals for a second here, Bob. My favorite book, hands down, is "Nobody Knows Anything." One of the lessons I learned there is in reference to when to purchase a specific metal. Let's apply that thesis here. What are you buying right now? Share with us why.
Bob Moriarty: Well, it's really funny that you said that, because that happens to be my favorite book too. I am buying silver. I'm really tempted to buy platinum. The point of the book ... It's not just true of precious metals. The point of the book is true of all investments. You should buy things when they're cheap. You should sell them when they're expensive. When we talk about the price of gold, we're really talking about two commodities. Do you understand that?
Maurice Jackson: Share it with the audience, please.
Bob Moriarty: You're talking about gold, but you're also talking about the unit of measure that you're measuring it in. If you say gold is $1196 an ounce, you're talking about the value of gold, but you're also talking about the value of the dollar. If you take the currency out of the equation, you can compare gold to silver or gold to platinum or gold to palladium or gold to rhodium, and you can differentiate. You can put them in order to see which is expensive and which is cheap. Right now, platinum and silver are very cheap.
Maurice Jackson: You and I really do like the value proposition of both of those metals. You and I had an offline discussion the other day regarding platinum. Can we recover that, please, for the audience?
Bob Moriarty: Yeah, that's a really interesting situation. Do you happen to remember the number? I gave it to you the other day. How much of the platinum girt metals are produced in South Africa?
Maurice Jackson: I believe we came up with about ... Not we, you, 78%, sir.
Bob Moriarty: 78%, that's exactly right. South Africa has gone communist/socialist. They're doing exactly the same thing that Zimbabwe did. Zimbabwe, when it was Rhodesia, was the breadbasket of Africa. It was the most prosperous country in Africa. The people were the best fed. It was a wonderful place. It was heaven in Africa. There was a revolution. The revolutionaries took over. The guy running the place said, "Okay, I get all the money." They have destroyed the country. Now, they've the whites off. They either killed them or ran them out of the country, stole everything that they owned and handed it to politically connected blacks. They destroyed their economy. For South Africa to go exactly the same route as Zimbabwe, we know what's going to happen. That is exactly the same thing. If it didn't work in Rhodesia, it didn't work in Zimbabwe, why would it work in South Africa? You could absolutely categorically say in the future there will be fewer platinum group metals coming out of the South Africa. There could be a shortage of platinum group metals. One of the things we didn't talk about the other day, who produces the other 22%?
Maurice Jackson: That would have to be between Russia and Zimbabwe?
Bob Moriarty: Exactly. Zimbabwe is very small. I think it's 3% or 4%, but Russia produces about 20% of the PGMs in the world. We've been very nasty to Russia. Russia is certainly in a position if South Africa literally shut down, which is what I believe will happen, Russia is certainly in a position to say, "Remember the platinum that we were selling to you for $1500 an ounce week last week? It's $5000 an ounce now." Going back to the book and the concept of buying cheap and selling high you came to me I think a year or so ago and asked what a good investment in precious metals would be. Do you remember that?
Maurice Jackson: I do certainly. That was rhodium, sir.
Bob Moriarty: Okay. Rhodium got as low as $575 an ounce. Okay? Do you know what rhodium is right now?
Maurice Jackson: It's over $2500, sir.
Bob Moriarty: Correct. It's up 400% in change compared to the dollar, but platinum has gone down since then. Palladium has gone up a little bit. Gold's down a little bit. Silver's down a lot. Right now of the five precious metals, rhodium would be the most expensive relative to the other. Palladium would be the next most expensive. Gold would be right in the middle, then silver and then platinum. Platinum, of course, is hard to buy. There's a pretty strong premium on it. Silver and gold are very easy to buy. Palladium is very similar to platinum. Rhodium is a little bit more difficult, again, because they've only lately come up with coins and bars. You can buy all of them and, right now, owning platinum or silver and selling palladium or gold would be an odds on bet.
Maurice Jackson: Bob, allow me to just share with the audience. If you're seeking to purchase any of the five precious metals, please contact us at [email protected]" or call 919.274.5680. Bob, thank you for all of your insights here. Last question for you, what did I forget to ask?
Bob Moriarty: I know what you're doing. It's a dirty, rotten trick. You're going to ask me how my book's coming. My book is a lot like Christmas.
Maurice Jackson: I hope that's your wife in the background agreeing with me and the audience that we want to have a definitive date of when this book is coming.
Bob Moriarty: It's like Christmas, Maurice. It's coming.
Maurice Jackson: Then, you're saying that we're, what, two and a half months away, sir?
Bob Moriarty: No, I'm saying Christmas is two and a half months away. I didn't say anything about the book because there is a Christmas this year. There will be a Christmas next year too. I have all the intentions in world. I have the book half written in my brain right now. I got a place to write it. I'm running out of excuses. Sooner or later, I will have to put up or shut up.
Maurice Jackson: I don't know if it was you, Bob, but someone once shared with me you're never judged on your intentions. You're judged on your results. You're sharing with us that you have the right intentions. Let's see the results, sir.
Bob Moriarty: (Background saying do it now) I knew she was going to say that. How did I know she was going to say it? I think there's some kind of conspiracy with you and Barbara.
Maurice Jackson: Well, we know of two books. Let me re-reference those here for the audience. Two books that you should definitely check out and they're on our website. They're Bob Moriarty's "The Art of Peace" and "Nobody Knows Anything." You can order a copy, again, on our education tab. Proven and Probable does not receive any financial considerations for selling or advertising, but we see these books as a must have for your library. We have benefited financially from applying the axioms in the book. Bob, for someone listening who wants to get more information on your work, please share the websites.
Bob Moriarty: Well, to buy the books, you can go to a bookseller, any bookseller, or you can go to Amazon, or you can go to Apple. One thing that I will say, we have mentioned this, but I wrote the "Art of Peace" a little over two years ago in Switzerland. It's one of those books that actually will improve with age, because it was predicting much of what's happening since then, including the Sanders and Trumps being successful in elections. The book addresses geopolitical issues. No country can succeed for long being in a constant state of war. It can only end poorly. While the "Art of Peace" was a discussion of my military career, half of the book was talking about what happens when you engage in stupid wars and what happens when you give support to countries in the Middle East who do not have your best interests at heart. We've got a free website, 321 Gold. Free website, 321 Energy. They're good websites. We've got some of the best writers in the business.
Maurice Jackson: Speaking, again, one more time of "Nobody Knows Anything," you wrote it two years ago. You know when I last stopped reading that?
Bob Moriarty: When?
Maurice Jackson: I haven't. I'm forever reading that book. The moment I complete it, I go back and revisit it again. That's how important that book is in my life and also for my children's future. I have purchased them books as well. And last but not least, please visit our website where we interview the most respected names in the natural resource space. If you would like to have a discussion regarding precious metals, please contact us at [email protected].
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold and Thank you for joining up today on Proven and Probable.
Bob Moriarty: Thank you. It's been a great pleasure.
Bob and Barb Moriarty brought to the Internet almost 16 years ago. They later added to cover oil, natural gas, gasoline, coal, solar, wind and nuclear energy. Both sites feature articles, editorial opinions, pricing figures and updates on current events affecting both sectors. Previously, Moriarty was a Marine F-4B and O-1 pilot with more than 832 missions in Vietnam. He holds 14 international aviation records.
Maurice Jackson is the founder of Proven and Probable, a site that aims to enrich its subscribers through education in precious metals and junior mining companies that will enrich the world.
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1) Bob Moriarty: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: Jericho Oil, Irving Resources and Novo Resources. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: Jericho Oil, Irving Resources and Novo Resources are sponsors of 321 Gold and/or 321 Energy.
2) Maurice Jackson: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: Jericho Oil, Irving Resources and Novo Resources. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: Jericho Oil, Irving Resources and Novo Resources are sponsors of Proven and Probable. Proven and Probable disclosures are listed below.
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