Barry Allan
Laurentian Bank Securities

Barry Allan is managing director, mining analyst, institutional equity research at Laurentian Bank Securities. Formerly he served as vice chair, mining group and senior mining analyst at Mackie Research Capital Corp., and had been with the firm since 1997. He was named to Zack's Investment Research's Top 10 5-Star Analyst list in 2015, ranking No. 1 in North America for precious metals and No. 3 across every sector in North America. Allan has worked in the mining sector for over 30 years, serving as an exploration geologist before becoming a gold and precious metals mining analyst with CIBC, Gordon Capital, BZW and Prudential Bache. He holds Bachelor of Science degree in geology and a Master of Business Administration from Dalhousie University.
Recent Quotes
"The intercept announced today is the fourth significant intersection illustrating BAR's Bug Lake Trend is a major mineralized system."
Barry Allan, Research Capital Corporation
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