
Oliver O'Donnell

VSA Capital

Recent Articles

Gold and Silver Exploration Co. Well-Positioned for a Major Rerating, Analyst Says 11/14/2024

"With the gold price up 26% and silver up 29% YTD (silver was 52% of revenue in this quarter), Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd. (SM:TSX.V; SMDRF:OTCQX) is well-positioned for a major rerating in the precious metals sector," a VSA Capital research note reported.

Gold Co. Aims To Reach Commercial Production Rate in Q4/24 09/03/2024

Given the miner's recent achievements at the project and adequate funding, VSA Capital believes the plan is doable, it wrote in a report.

Now With New Funding, Co. Can Restart Mine in Mexico 05/17/2024

The gold-silver explorer-developer aims to launch test production in H2/24, noted a VSA Capital report.

Recent Quotes

"SM achieved full commercial production after 90 days at 500 tpd."

— Oliver O'Donnell, VSA Capital (1/10/25)
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"SM reported first revenues generating a gross profit."

— Oliver O'Donnell, VSA Capital (11/12/24)
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"SM is bringing forward its 500 tpd production target to Q4/24."

— Oliver O'Donnell, VSA Capital (8/28/24)
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"SM announced the successful restart of mining at La Guitarra."

— Oliver O'Donnell, VSA Capital (7/24/24)
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"With SM, the typical risk-reward for a mine restart favors investors."

— Oliver O'Donnell, VSA Capital (7/15/24)
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"SM received approval for modifications to its permits for La Guitarra."

— Oliver O'Donnell, VSA Capital (5/29/24)
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