
Prospector Picks First Exploration Target from New Acquisitions


Additional Disclosures:

Disclosures from Scarsdale Equities, Lion One Metals Ltd., Dec. 1, 2017

Author Certification: R. Michael Niehuser, the author primarily responsible for this report certifies, with respect to each security or issuer in this report, that: (1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect his own personal views about the subject companies and their securities; (2) part of the author’s compensation may be, directly or indirectly, related to a portion of the commissions generated by Scarsdale Equities LLC [“SE”] in transactions in this or other securities designated for the author’s credit; (3) the author does not receive compensation based on investment banking or advisory services SE might provide to this or any other issuer.

Scarsdale Equities LLC, at the time of publication, does not make a market in any security.
The author does not have a financial interest Lion One Metals Limited (LIO.V) covered in this report.
Part of the author’s compensation may consist of a portion of the commissions generated by transactions in this issuer’s securities placed at Scarsdale Equities LLC for the credit of the author.
Scarsdale Equities LLC expects to receive advisory or investment banking compensation from the issuer in the next ninety days.