
Analyst's 'Top Pick' Advances Vaccine Candidates


Additional Disclosures:

Disclosures from Echelon Wealth Partners, Immunovaccine Inc., Nov. 10, 2017

Echelon Wealth Partners compensates its Research Analysts from a variety of sources. The Research Department is a cost centre and is funded by the business activities of Echelon Wealth Partners including, Institutional Equity Sales and Trading, Retail Sales and Corporate and Investment Banking.

ANALYST CERTIFICATION: Company: Immunovaccine Inc., | IMV: TSX

I, Douglas Loe, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities or issuers. I also certify that I have not, am not, and will not receive, directly or indirectly, compensation in exchange for expressing the specific recommendations or views in this report.

Is this an issuer related or industry related publication? Issuer.

Does the Analyst or any member of the Analyst’s household have a financial interest in the securities of the subject issuer? No

Does the Analyst or household member serve as a Director or Officer or Advisory Board Member of the issuer? No

Does Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. or the Analyst have any actual material conflicts of interest with the issuer? No

Does Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. and/or one or more entities affiliated with Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. beneficially own common shares (or any other class of common equity securities) of this issuer which constitutes more than 1% of the presently issued and outstanding shares of the issuer? Yes

During the last 12 months, has Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. provided financial advice to and/or, either on its own or as a syndicate member, participated in a public offering, or private placement of securities of this issuer? Yes

During the last 12 months, has Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. received compensation for having provided investment banking or related services to this Issuer? Yes

Has the Analyst had an onsite visit with the Issuer within the last 12 months? No

Has the Analyst or any Partner, Director or Officer been compensated for travel expenses incurred as a result of an onsite visit with the Issuer within the last 12 months? No

Has the Analyst received any compensation from the subject company in the past 12 months? No

Is Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. a market maker in the issuer’s securities at the date of this report? No