
Uranium Explorer Adds Mineralization to 'World-Class Project'


Additional Disclosures:

Disclosures from Cantor Fitzgerald, NexGen Energy Ltd., Company Update, Aug. 1, 2017

Facts may have changed.

Potential conflicts of interest: The author of this report is compensated based in part on the overall revenues of CFCC, a portion of which are generated by investment banking activities. Cantor may have had, or seek to have, an investment banking relationship with companies mentioned in this report. CFCC and/or its officers, directors and employees may from time to time acquire, hold or sell securities mentioned herein as principal or agent. Although CFCC makes every effort possible to avoid conflicts of interest, readers should assume that a conflict might exist, and therefore not rely solely on this report when evaluating whether or not to buy or sell the securities of subject companies.

Disclosures as of August 1, 2017: CFCC has provided investment banking services or received investment banking related compensation from NexGen Energy within the past 12 months.

The analysts responsible for this research report do not have, either directly or indirectly, a long or short position in the shares or options of NexGen Energy. The analyst responsible for this report has visited the material operations of NexGen Energy. No payment or reimbursement was received for the related travel costs.

Analyst certification: The research analyst whose name appears on this report hereby certifies that the opinions and recommendations expressed herein accurately reflect his personal views about the securities, issuers or industries discussed herein.


Disclosures from Eight Capital, NexGen Energy Ltd., Comment, Oct. 2, 2017

Conflicts of Interest: Eight Capital has written procedures designed to identify and manage potential conflicts of interest that arise in connection with its research and other businesses. The compensation of each Research Analyst/Associate involved in the preparation of this research report is based competitively upon several criteria, including performance assessment criteria, the quality of research and the value of the services they provide to clients of Eight Capital. The Research Analyst compensation pool includes revenues from several sources, including sales, trading and investment banking. Research analysts and associates do not receive compensation based upon revenues from specific investment banking transactions.

Eight Capital generally restricts any research analyst/associate and any member of his or her household from executing trades in the securities of a company that such research analyst covers, with limited exception.

Research Analyst Certification
Each Research Analyst and/or Associate who is involved in the preparation of this research report hereby certifies that:
• the views and recommendations expressed herein accurately reflect his/her personal views about any and all of the securities or issuers that are the subject matter of this research report;
• his/her compensation is not and will not be directly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the Research Analyst in this research report;
• they have not affected a trade in a security of any class of the issuer whether directly or indirectly through derivatives within the 30-day period prior to the publication of this research report;
• they have not distributed or discussed this Research Report to/with the issuer, investment banking at Eight Capital or any other third party except for the sole purpose of verifying factual information; and
• they are unaware of any other potential conflicts of interest.

The Research Analyst involved in the preparation of this research report does not have any authority whatsoever (actual, implied or apparent) to act on behalf of any issuer mentioned in this research report.