
Tests Reveal High Gold Recoveries for Nevada Project


Additional Disclosures:

Disclosures from PI Financial, Gold Standard Ventures, Corporate Update, Sept. 25, 2017

I, Brian Szeto, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities or issuers. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report. I am the research analyst primarily responsible for preparing this report.

Research Disclosures:
1) PI Financial Corp. and its affiliates’ holdings in the subject company’s securities, in aggregate exceeds 1% of each company’s issued and outstanding securities. No

2) The analyst(s) responsible for the report or recommendation on the subject company, a member of the research analyst’s household, and associate of the research analyst, or any individual directly involved in the preparation of this report, have a financial interest in, or exercises investment discretion or control over, securities issued by the following companies. No

3) PI Financial Corp. and/or its affiliates have received compensation for investment banking services for the subject company over the preceding 12-month period. Yes

4) PI Financial Corp. and/or its affiliates expect to receive or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from the subject company. Yes

5) PI Financial Corp. and/or its affiliates have managed or co-managed a public offering of securities for the subject company in the past 12 months. No

6) The following director(s), officer(s) or employee(s) of PI Financial Corp. is a director of the subject company in which PI provides research coverage. No

7) A member of the research analyst’s household serves as an officer, director or advisory board member of the subject company. No

8) PI Financial Corp. and/or its affiliates make a market in the securities of the subject company. No

9) Company has partially funded previous analyst visits to its projects. Yes

10) Additional disclosure: No

Analysts are compensated through a combined base salary and bonus payout system. The bonus payout is amongst other factors determined by revenue generated directly or indirectly from various departments including Investment Banking. Evaluation is largely on an activity-based system that includes some of the following criteria: reports generated, timeliness, performance of recommendations, knowledge of industry, quality of research and investment guidance, and client feedback. Analysts and all other Research staff are not directly compensated for specific Investment Banking transactions.