
What Experts Predict for the New Silver Bull Market


Additional Disclosures:

Mining Stock Journal, July 9, 2016
David Kranzler: "The fund I co-manage owns stock in Southern Silver Exploration Corp."

Vicarage Capital Ltd., Southern Silver Exploration Corp., June 9, 2016
Compiled by: Martin Wood& James Smith
This document has been supplied by Vicarage Capital Ltd. for information purposes only and is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to purchase or sell investments or related financial instruments. This document has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific entity.  The information contained herein is based on materials and sources that we believe to be reliable; however, Vicarage Capital Ltd makes no warranty either express or implied, in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained herein.

 Rodman & Renshaw, Great Panther Silver Ltd., July 18, 2016
--Investment Banking Services include, but are not limited to, acting as a manager/co-manager in the underwriting or placement of securities, acting as financial advisor, and/or providing corporate finance or capital markets-related services to a company or one of its affiliates or subsidiaries within the past 12 months.
 --Heiko F. Ihle, CFA and Jake Sekelsky certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies.
--None of the research analysts or the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities of (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position).
--As of June 30, 2016 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of Great Panther Silver Ltd..
--Neither the research analyst nor the Firm has any material conflict of interest in of which the research analyst knows or has reason to know at the time of publication of this research report.
--The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of the report does not receive compensation that is based upon any specific investment banking services or transaction but is compensated based on factors including total revenue and profitability of the Firm, a substantial portion of which is derived from investment banking services.
--The Firm or its affiliates did receive compensation from Great Panther Silver Ltd. for investment banking services within twelve months before, and will seek compensation from the companies mentioned in this report for investment banking services within three months following publication of the research report.
--The Firm does not make a market in Great Panther Silver Ltd. as of the date of this research report.

Raymond James, MAG Silver, July 11, 2016
--Raymond James Ltd. or its affiliates expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from all companies under research coverage within the next three months.
--Raymond James Ltd - the analyst and/or associate has viewed the material operations of MAG.
--Raymond James Ltd - within the last 12 months, MAG has paid for all or a material portion of the travel costs associated with a site visit by the analyst and/or associate.
--Raymond James Ltd. has managed or co-managed a public offering of securities within the last 12 months with respect to MAG.
--Raymond James Ltd. has provided investment banking services within the last 12 months with respect to MAG.
--Raymond James Ltd. has received compensation for investment banking services within the last 12 months with respect to MAG.
--Raymond James Ltd. makes a market in the securities of MAG. 

Raymond James, Endeavour Silver Corp., July 11, 2016
--Raymond James Ltd. or its affiliates expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from all companies under research coverage within the next three months.
--Raymond James Ltd. - the analyst and/or associate has viewed the material operations of EDR.

 Caesars Report, "Golden Arrow increases the Chinchillas resource once again," June 2, 2016
Thibaut Lepouttre: "The author has a small long position in Golden Arrow Resources."

 Raymond James, 2Q16 Precious Metals Preview, July 21, 2016
--The views expressed in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst(s) covering the subject securities. No part of said person's compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this research report. In addition, said analyst has not received compensation from any subject company in the last 12 months.
—Raymong James Ltd. or its affiliates expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from all companies under coverage withing the next three months.

Credit Suisse report, June 30, 2016, noted in