Canaccord Genuity Corp., July 13, 2016One (Nobilis) Plus One (Athas) Equals Three
Each authoring analyst of Canaccord Genuity whose name appears on the front page of this research [Neil Maruoka and Matt Bottomly] hereby certifies that (i) the recommendations and opinions expressed in this research accurately reflect the authoring analyst's personal, independent and objective views about any and all of the designated investments or relevant issuers discussed herein that are within such authoring analyst's coverage universe and (ii) no part of the authoring analyst's compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the authoring analyst in the research.
Canaccord Genuity's up-to-date disclosures may be obtained here.Emerging Growth Equities, Ltd., May 23, 2016Nobilis Health Corp.
I, William Sutherland, certify that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities and issuers. In addition, no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to this recommendation or views contained in this report.
•Emerging Growth Equities ("EGE") does not make a market in the securities issued by the subject company ("Company").
•EGE has not acted as a manager of in a public offering of securities for the Company within the last 12 months.
•EGE has not provided investment banking services or other advice to the Company, for which it received fees, within the last 12 months.
•EGE seeks investment banking assignments from a wide range of companies, including those on which the Firm provides research recommendations. Therefore, investors should assume that EGE intends to seek compensation for investment banking services within the next three months, and thereafter, from the Company.
•Neither the analyst nor a household member owns securities in the Company. Neither the analyst nor a household member is an officer, director or advisory board member of the Company.
•The Firm's analysts are compensated like other employees of EGE, based upon the Firm's overall revenue generation, which includes revenues from institutional sales and investment banking departments, as well as on various other activities performed by the Firm's analysts that are intended assist the Firm's institutional clients.
•EGE and/or its affiliates and employees may own securities issued by the Company from time to time.
Stephens Inc., May 12, 2016Nobilis Health Corp.
The analyst primarily responsible for the preparation of the content of this report certifies that (i) all views expressed in this report accurately reflect the analyst's personal views about the subject company and securities, and (ii) no part of the analyst's compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the analyst in this report.
•The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of this report has received compensation that is based on the firm's overall revenue which includes investment banking revenue.
•Stephens Inc. maintains a market in the common stock of Nobilis Health Corp. as of the date of this report and may act as principal in these transactions.
•Stephens Inc. expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from Nobilis Health Corp. in the next three months.