
Five Energy Companies Make Paradigm Capital's Top Picks Cut


Additional Disclosures:

Disclosures from Paradigm Capital Quarterly Top Picks, July 5, 2016:

About Paradigm Capital Inc.

Paradigm Capital Inc. (PCI) is a research-driven, independent, institutional equity investment dealer focused on sectors and companies that have attractive long-term secular growth prospects. PCI’s research is available on our website at

The analysts (and associates) certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect their personal views about the subject securities or issuers. No part of their compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations expressed in this research report.

Please refer to the list below for the relevant disclosures:
Kelt Exploration Ltd. 3
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 2, 3
Parex Resources Inc. 2, 3
Secure Energy Services Inc. 2, 3
Seven Generations Energy Ltd. 3

1. The analyst has an ownership position in the subject company.
2. Paradigm Capital Inc. has assumed an underwriting liability for, and/or provided financial advice for consideration to the subject companies during the past 12 months.
3. Paradigm Capital Inc. expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from the subject companies in the next 3 months.
4. Paradigm Capital Inc. has greater than a 1% ownership position in the subject company.
5. The analyst has a family relationship with an Officer/Director of subject company.