Lithium Ionic Corp.'s (LTH:TSX.V; LTHCF:OTCQX; H3N:FSE) Bandeira lithium project in Brazil was recommended for approval by the agency in Minas Gerais state that grants environmental licenses, reported BMO Capital Markets Analyst Greg Jones in a Feb. 19 research note. The final decision is expected on Feb. 28, 2025.
"The LAC [Licença Ambiental Concomitante] is the final permitting milestone required, and a positive outcome would allow Lithium Ionic to begin construction and operations at Bandeira," Jones wrote.
100% Uplift Implied
On the news, BMO reiterated its CA$2 per share price target on the Canadian mining company, now trading at about CA$1 per share.
The target implies a potential return for investors of 100%.
Lithium Ionic remains rated Outperform.
Accelerated Permitting Process
Minas Gerais' Department of Environment and Sustainable Development, or SEMAD, issued a technical report in which it recommended that an environmental, installation and operational license be given to Lithium Ionic for Bandeira, Jones reported. This determination comes about one year and three months after the company submitted the LAC application (November 2023).
"The LAC license is part of a fast-track authorization process for critical minerals projects, designed to expedite the timeline to construction," noted the analyst.
On this accelerated permitting path, Jones explained, the LAC takes the place of the installation license and the operating license.
Timeline to Production
Jones wrote that if Lithium Ionic is granted the LAC, BMO expects it to start construction at Bandeira next quarter with an eye toward first production two years later, in Q2/27.
"We are modeling about US$300 million of capex and about a 12-month ramp-up, with Bandeira reaching target production levels in Q2/28," the analyst added.
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Disclosures for BMO Capital Markets, Lithium Ionic Corp., February 19, 2025
Analyst's Certification I, Greg Jones, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities or issuers. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report. Analysts who prepared this report are compensated based upon (among other factors) the overall profitability of BMO Capital Markets and their affiliates, which includes the overall profitability of investment banking services. Compensation for research is based on effectiveness in generating new ideas and in communication of ideas to clients, performance of recommendations, accuracy of earnings estimates, and service to clients. Analysts employed by BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. and/or BMO Capital Markets Limited are not registered as research analysts with FINRA. These analysts may not be associated persons of BMO Capital Markets Corp. and therefore may not be subject to the FINRA Rule 2241 restrictions on communications with a subject company, public appearances and trading securities held by a research analyst account. Company Specific Disclosures Disclosure 2: BMO Capital Markets has provided investment banking services for remuneration with respect to Lithium Ionic Corp. within the past 12 months. Disclosure 4: BMO Capital Markets or an affiliate has received compensation for investment banking services from Lithium Ionic Corp. within the past 12 months. Disclosure 6A: Lithium Ionic Corp. is a client (or was a client) of BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., BMO Capital Markets Corp., BMO Capital Markets Limited or an affiliate within the past 12 months: A) Investment Banking Services Disclosure 8A: BMO Capital Markets or affiliates have beneficial ownership of 1% or more of any class of the equity securities of Lithium Ionic Corp. (a) as of the end of the month prior to the issuance date of the research report, or (b) as of the end of the second most recent month if the report issuance date is less than 10 days after the end of the prior month. Methodology and Risks to Target Price/Valuation for Lithium Ionic Corp. (LTH-TSXV) Methodology: We use a NAV-based methodology to value Lithium Ionic shares consistent with other developers in the mining sector. We apply a 0.60x multiple to our calculated NAV, appropriate in our view for an development-stage company with a low-capital project in an attractive jurisdiction and balanced by the current market environment. We include an in-situ value for resources defined at LTH's Baixa Grande project. Risks: 1) Permitting Risk. Delays in advancing the Bandeira project through permitting in a timely manner could impact our assumed production start date and negatively impact our NAV per share estimate. 2) Financing Risk. Inability for the company to secure the financing required to advance its development plans along its anticipated timeline could impact our modelled start date, and if significant equity capital is raised it could introduce dilution to shareholders. 3) Stage of development. The Baixa Grande project is early-stage and its ability to continue growing and improving the confidence of the resource base and defining the project economics is a key aspect to the company's growth story, in our view. 4) Geological risk. The presence of a river over portion of the Outro Lado deposit requires further study. A river passes over a portion of the Outro Lado deposit and will not allow for open pit mining of this area. Underground mining is contemplated, and additional mine design study is required, which could adversely affect the current mineral resource estimate for this area (3.4 Mt at 1.47% Li2O). 5) Commodity price risk. Weakness in lithium and spodumene demand and commodity prices could negatively impact share price performance
Ratings Key (as of October 2016) We use the following ratings system definitions: OP = Outperform - Forecast to outperform the analyst’s coverage universe on a total return basis; Mkt = Market Perform - Forecast to perform roughly in line with the analyst’s coverage universe on a total return basis; Und = Underperform - Forecast to underperform the analyst’s coverage universe on a total return basis; (S) = Speculative investment; Spd = Suspended - Coverage and rating suspended until coverage is reinstated; NR = No Rated - No rating at this time; and R = Restricted - Dissemination of research is currently restricted. The total return potential, target price and the associated time horizon is 12 months unless otherwise stated in each report. BMO Capital Markets' seven Top 15 lists guide investors to our best ideas according to different objectives (CDN Large Cap, CDN Small Cap, US Large Cap, US Small Cap, Income, CDN Quant, and US Quant have replaced the Top Pick rating). Prior BMO Capital Markets Rating System (April 2013 - October 2016) (January 2010 - April 2013) Other Important Disclosures For Important Disclosures on the stocks discussed in this report, please go to or write to Editorial Department, BMO Capital Markets, 151 West 42nd St, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10036 or Editorial Department, BMO Capital Markets, 1 First Canadian Place, Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1H3. Dissemination of Research Dissemination of fundamental BMO Capital Markets Equity Research is available via our website Institutional clients may also simultaneously receive our fundamental research via email and/or via services such as Refinitiv, Bloomberg, FactSet, Visible Alpha, and S&P Capital IQ. BMO Capital Markets issues a variety of research products in addition to fundamental research. Institutional clients may request notification when additional research content is made available on our website. BMO Capital Markets may use proprietary models in the preparation of reports. Material information about such models may be obtained by contacting the research analyst directly. There is no planned frequency of model updates. The analyst(s) named in this report may discuss trading strategies that reference a catalyst or event that may have a near or long term impact on the market price of the equity securities discussed. In some cases, the impact may directionally counter the analyst’s published 12 month target price and rating. Any such trading or alternative strategies can be based on differing time horizons, methodologies, or otherwise and are distinct from and do not affect the analysts' fundamental equity rating in the report.
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