Streetwise Reports' Article Archives — October 2018 back to current month (116)
Gold Explorer Completes Heliborne Geophysical Surveys at Peru Projects (10/31/2018)
This Canada-based mining firm relayed its recent exploration efforts.
Biotech’s Lead Drug Candidate Targets 'Market with Huge Potential' (10/31/2018)
A ROTH Capital Partners report outlines its reasons for initiating coverage on this epigenetic therapeutics developer, whose lead candidate is in trials in diabetes, end-stage renal disease and other indications.
Texas Oil & Gas Firm Increases Dividend by 17% (10/31/2018)
A Raymond James report reviewed this energy company's Q3/18 numbers and 2019 guidance.
Gold Major Offers 'More Reward than Risk' at Current Level (10/31/2018)
A ROTH Capital Partners report explained why this mining stock warranted an uprating.
Biotech Pinpoints Third Set of Targets for Potential Alzheimer's Treatment (10/31/2018)
With this achievement, the firm expands its potential partnering opportunities.
Diversified Miner Must Accelerate Q4/18 Production to Achieve Guidance (10/31/2018)
A BMO Capital Markets report reviewed this multinational company's Q3/18 numbers and Q4/18 outlook.
Mining Firm Expands Options with Second Form of Lithium (10/31/2018)
A Canaccord Genuity report relayed and discussed the results of this company's recent pilot plant testing.
Traitors within the Gate (10/30/2018)
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear..”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Three Small-Caps on This Fund Manager's List (10/30/2018)
Steve Palmer, founding partner, President and Chief Investment Officer of AlphaNorth Asset Management, talks with Streetwise Reports about several small-cap companies from three sectors that he has been following.
Mexican Gold and Silver Project Advancing to Production (10/29/2018)
Economic geologist Nigel Maund provides a fundamental analysis on a company developing a gold and silver mine located close to Mexico City.
Golden Triangle Stock 'Looking Ready to Turn Up Again' (10/29/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts a company that he believes may benefit from a confluence of factors.
Volatile Summer for Golden Triangle Explorer (10/29/2018)
John Newell of Fieldhouse Capital charts the volatility of a Golden Triangle explorer.
This Copper Miner Is Highly Leveraged to the Price of Copper (10/29/2018)
Economic geologist Nigel Maund discusses a copper miner and explorer that he sees as a "longer term, investment play with substantial upside growth potential."
Barometers, Thermometers, and Recency Bias (10/29/2018)
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses recent moves in the stock market.
Update on Stock in Vanguard of Drive to Phase Out Antibiotics in Animal Feed (10/29/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund provides an update on a company whose product is replacing antibiotics for growth promotion in animal feed.
This Biotech, Whose Discovery Could End Routine Antibiotic Use in Livestock, Is the Pick of Three Fund Managers (10/27/2018)
Multiple governments around the world have unleashed mandates on livestock feed regulations that pose an opportunity for a Canada-based biotech company.
As Anixa Starts Approaching the FDA, We Discuss Its Two Innovative Programs (10/27/2018)
Dr. Amit Kumar, CEO of Anixa Biosciences, sits down with Daniel Carlson of Tailwinds Research to discuss the company's trials of CAR-T for solid tumors, as well as its Cchek program to distinguish between benign conditions and malignant cancer.
Catasys…Future's So Bright (10/27/2018)
Daniel Carlson of Tailwinds Research discusses a company that helps health plans solve the hidden, high-cost problem of untreated behavioral health conditions.
HYRE: Big Growth at Basement Prices (10/27/2018)
A company that helps potential Lyft and Uber drivers obtain cars is the focus an article by Daniel Carlson of Tradewinds Research.
Miner Finds High-Grade Vanadium Mineralization at Utah Complex (10/27/2018)
This company provided an update on its own test mining and on federal governmental actions.
Bitcoin to $400,000 for the Skeptics and the Birth of Blockchain (10/27/2018)
Rodney Stevens, a former analyst and investment and merchant banker, discusses the relationship between Bitcoin and gold and how he has derived Bitcoin's value.
Developer of Weapons Detection Systems Partners with Cisco Systems (10/25/2018)
The collaboration should help advance the company's mission to help security personnel "deter, detect and defend."
Fertilizer Maker Maxes out Production Capacity, Plans Expansion (10/25/2018)
Sales of this firm's fertilizer product increased tenfold year over year.
Explorer Confirms Oxide Gold Discovery South of Main Deposit in Utah (10/25/2018)
Findings from the company's continuing efforts to fill in and expand the resource at its flagship project resulted in confirmation of a potential starter pit.
Adriatic Metals: A Polymetallic Explorer with Significant Potential (10/25/2018)
The Critical Investor presents an analysis of Adriatic Metals by Kees Dekker, a mining investment consultant.
Piedmont Lithium Poised to Take Advantage of Low-Cost U.S. Lithium Production (10/24/2018)
As lithium is declared a "critical metal" in the U.S., a young, NASDAQ-listed company is forging ahead to bring a lithium deposit into production in North Carolina.
Biotech to Expand Precision Medicine Services via New Partnership (10/24/2018)
A Maxim Group report discussed the potential implications of this new collaboration in the field of personalized medicine and oncology.
Analyst: 'Unloved' Oil & Gas E&P is 'Premier Permian Growth Story' (10/24/2018)
A Raymond James report made the case for revising its rating on this energy company.
Exploring for High-Grade Silver in the Brownfields of the Yukon (10/24/2018)
Greg Johnson, chairman and CEO of Metallic Minerals, sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss his company's silver exploration in the Yukon.
Hemp Producer CV Sciences' Q3 Earnings Estimates--Our View (10/24/2018)
Fincom Investment Partners previews Q3 earnings estimates for a company that it believes offers the best value in cannabis/hemp.
Energy Storage Systems Manufacturer Trends Positively with Orders (10/24/2018)
A Mackie Research note relayed this company's latest news, regarding revenue and new hires.
Drill Results 'Showcase Potential' of Nunavut Discovery (10/24/2018)
A BMO Capital Markets report reviewed the newly released assays from this Canadian precious metals company.
Mackie Research Updates Exciting New Developments with Two Multi-Bagger Return Top Picks (10/23/2018)
Bill Newman, vice president of international and domestic oil and gas research with Mackie Research Capital, discusses two companies that are Mackie top picks that have recently announced updates that he believes could unlock substantial additional upside for investors.
What Four Analysts and Goldman Sachs See In This Small-Cap Lithium Explorer (10/23/2018)
Lithium is the lifeblood of batteries for electric vehicles and alternative energy storage, and use of both is predicted to skyrocket in the coming years. Against this backdrop, a small-cap firm that is moving rapidly with a strong partner to develop lithium projects in Argentina has caught the attention of Goldman Sachs and industry analysts.
Mining Company Hits High-Grade Lithium Mineralization in North Carolina (10/23/2018)
This company released initial assays from its new properties.
Analyst Calls Oil & Gas Acquirer a Potential Takeout Target (10/23/2018)
A Mackie Research Capital report describes the investment opportunity that is this company, now and once its acquisition closes.
Analyst: 'Impressive Summer of Development' as the Yukon's Next Gold Mine Takes Shape (10/22/2018)
With construction 40% completed, this gold explorer/developer is well on the way to getting the Yukon's next gold mine up and running.
The Gold Market Is Turning (We Think) (10/22/2018)
Rudi Fronk and Jim Anthony, cofounders of Seabridge Gold, discuss the factors that they see pointing to a turnaround in the gold market.
Where Were You 31 Years Ago? (10/22/2018)
Sector expert Michael Ballanger explores the impacts of several historic market crashes.
Brien Lundin: the Fed, the Dollar and Precious Metals (10/22/2018)
Brien Lundin, publisher of Gold Newsletter, sat down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss precious metals and their relationship with recent Fed actions and the dollar.
Animal Health Product Developer to Expand Sales Footprint (10/20/2018)
This Canadian company makes progress with its commercial uptake efforts.
Canadian Explorer Finds Two New High-Grade Gold Structures at Brazil Project (10/20/2018)
These discoveries demonstrated up to 1 meter of 106.31 grams per ton gold.
Graphite Firm Releases Batch of Borehole Results from Guinea Project (10/20/2018)
This company continues working toward updating its mineral resource.
Mexico Greenlights Further Exploration at Sinaloa Project (10/20/2018)
The Canadian owner of this acreage will continue prospecting.
Biotech Advances Monoclonal Antibody Technology and Is Awarded Gates Foundation Grant (10/20/2018)
An H.C. Wainwright & Co. report delivered the latest news regarding one of this immunotherapy firm's platforms, including the receipt of the first-ever U.S. patents for DNA-encoded monoclonal antibody technology.
Oil & Gas Company Delivers 'Encouraging' Operations Update (10/20/2018)
A ROTH Capital Partners report discussed where this energy explorer/developer stands with its primary efforts.
Canadian Explorer Reveals Year-Round Plan to Maintain Momentum (10/19/2018)
James Pettit, CEO of Aben Resources, in conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, discusses his company's summer exploration in the Golden Triangle and how the company plans to keep the momentum going throughout the year.
Technical Analyst: Oil Stock Looking Set to Break Higher (10/19/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts a small-cap oil and gas company with a play in Oklahoma's SCOOP region that he sees as a strong buy.
Precious Metals Miner Reports 'Strong' Q3/18 Production Results for a 'Top Pick' (10/18/2018)
A CIBC report reviewed the Q3/18 numbers for this gold and silver producer.
Golden Triangle Property Yields 'High-Grade Gold Discovery' (10/17/2018)
A Canadian explorer reported the first assays from two zones at its project.
Groundbreaking Biotech Company Takes Major Step Forward with Deal with Chinese Partner (10/17/2018)
Canada-based biotech company signs major deal with Chinese partner to advance groundbreaking technology in the skin and tendon rejuvenation space.
Biotech Reports Encouraging Interim Gene Therapy Data for Skin Disorder (10/17/2018)
This company's findings to date for its topical therapy candidate have encouraging implications for an orphan indication.
Wealth Minerals Prudently, Albeit Slowly, Advancing in Chile (10/17/2018)
Peter Epstein of Epstein Research discusses whether the lithium market is oversold and profiles one lithium company that he follows.
The Incredibly Bullish Set-Up for Gold (10/17/2018)
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses the bullish set-up for gold and why he believes this time is different.
Gold Junior 'Set to Break Out' (10/17/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts a relatively unknown gold stock that he believes is positioned to break out.
Gold Explorer Uncovers More High-Priority Drill Targets in Red Lake (10/17/2018)
The new findings will be incorporated into this Canadian company's 2018–2019 drill program.
Gold Explorer Finds Mineralization South of Recent Discovery (10/17/2018)
Drill results from this Golden Triangle project continue highlighting further exploration potential.
Deep Drilling Hits Thick Oxide Gold Intervals at Nevada Deposit (10/17/2018)
This Canadian company released the results from two more drill holes.
Golden Dragon Prospect Roars to Life in British Columbia (10/16/2018)
The company released off-the-charts assay results from rock samples.
Two Companies Whose Innovative Technologies Could Revolutionize E-Waste Processing and Disrupt Mining (10/16/2018)
David Morgan, publisher of The Morgan Report, discusses two companies that have come up with groundbreaking technologies that hold the potential to change the way E-waste is processed and the way mining is conducted.
Analyst: Canadian Oil & Gas Company 'Crazy Cheap' (10/16/2018)
A Mackie Research Capital Corp. report outlined this Canadian energy firm's recently completed financing and its in-process acquisition.
Undervalued Oil & Gas Explorer, Near Developer Makes Solid Takeout Target (10/16/2018)
A Pareto Securities note explained what the company has to offer, why it is attractive and what it could gain from an M&A-type deal.
Three Resource Companies: Drilling, Waiting and a Rebirth (10/15/2018)
Money manager Adrian Day looks at three resource companies in his portfolio, one the latest addition with lots of activity; the second, a waiting game; and the third, a re-emergence.
3 Big Reasons Chart Expert Believes You Should Own This Gold Stock (10/15/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts a young gold explorer that he expects to soar.
Three Junior Miners on Brien Lundin's Top Pick List (10/15/2018)
Brien Lundin, publisher of Gold Newsletter, discusses recent moves in the precious metals markets, several mining companies he has his eyes on, and plans for the upcoming New Orleans Investment Conference.
Volatility Breeds Contempt (10/14/2018)
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses the stock market volatility of the last week and what it may mean for precious metals.
The 7-Year Bear Market Phase for Gold Is Over (10/14/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund uses charts to explain why he believes the gold bear market is over.
Silver's Time Is Coming (10/14/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts silver and discusses the factors that he believes will lead silver upward.
'Another Prospective Oxide Gold Target' Identified at Nevada Project (10/13/2018)
This discovery further expands the Canadian company's pipeline of exploration opportunities in the Railroad District.
Canadian Metals Explorer Now Offers 'Attractive Entry Point' (10/13/2018)
A Fundamental Research Corp. report relayed this company's investment highlights.
Tech Firm Launches Medical Cannabis User Data App, Lands Partnership (10/13/2018)
This "patient-care solution" is designed to help retailers make product recommendations.
Lifting the Veil on Cannabis Investing (10/13/2018)
With the landscape of cannabis investing shifting rapidly, a conference in New York City on October 22 can help provide insights to investors.
Energy Firm Acquiring Oil & Gas Assets Extends Closing and Option Dates (10/12/2018)
The company relayed the recent changes made to its existing agreements for Eagle Ford assets in South Texas.
Lithium Company Files PEA on Argentina Project (10/11/2018)
The report provides support to proceed with development plans.
Blockchain Analytical Firm About to Begin Trading (10/11/2018)
A company that makes order out of the chaos of myriad cryptocurrencies will commence trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange October 12.
Biotech's Antibodies Target Toxic Oligomers Implicated in Parkinson's Disease (10/11/2018)
Testing conducted as part of this Canadian company's research and development work on Parkinson's disease therapeutics has identified new potential antibody candidates.
U.S. Precious Metals Firm's Q1 FY19 Streaming Deliveries, Revenue Beat Expectations (10/11/2018)
A BMO Capital Markets report reviewed this Denver, Colo.-based company's quarterly sales.
Energy Companies' Merger to Create 'World's Largest Offshore Drilling Fleet' (10/11/2018)
A Raymond James report described the expected synergies of this proposed transaction.
A Mining Analyst and a Junior Producer Go Head to Head (10/10/2018)
Mining analyst Kees Dekker, Atlantic Gold and The Critical Investor engage in a discussion about Dekker's analysis of the junior gold producer.
This Biotech Is 'Harnessing the Microbiome's Therapeutic Potential' (10/10/2018)
A LifeSci Capital report presented a handful of key points about the firm.
FDA Approves Biopharma's Drug with $1.75 Billion Peak Sales Potential (10/10/2018)
An H.C. Wainwright & Co. report covered the greenlighting of two therapeutics developed by this firm, whose stock, according to the analyst, has more than fivebagger return potential.
Texas Heart Takes to the CoreoGraft (10/10/2018)
Daniel Carlson of Tailwinds Research profiles Hancock Jaffe Laboratories, which is partnering with the Texas Heart Institute to further develop an innovative graft designed for use in coronary bypass surgery.
Time to Rebalance Your Precious Metals Portfolio (10/10/2018)
Some precious metals ratios are out of whack, says Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments in conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, and explains why he believes now is a good time to rebalance.
Imminent for Explorer: Resource Update at One Project, Drill Program Launch at Second (10/09/2018)
This gold-silver company continues to simultaneously advance two of its projects in Mexico.
Why Five Industry Experts Have This Gold Explorer on Their Radar Screens (10/09/2018)
With Nevada gold projects taking center stage in the M&A sphere, one new gold explorer that has grabbed the attention of industry observers is moving quickly to prove up its project.
Texas Oil & Gas Company's Permian Wells Produce Encouraging Results (10/09/2018)
This Texas E&P firm is having success using new well testing techniques.
If This Doesn't Scare You, Nothing Will (10/09/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund charts the markets and explains why he finds that the U.S. stock market is at an unprecedented overbought extreme.
Golden Triangle a Bright Spot in Gold Exploration (10/09/2018)
With gold prices moving sideways, the Golden Triangle of British Columbia—and several companies exploring there—continue to provide a bright spot for gold exploration.
Developer of Nitric Oxide Delivery Devices Rebrands to Focus on Leading Advancements (10/09/2018)
This Utah-based company rolled out an online campaign that highlights its strategic repositioning.
Two Companies with Nevada Lithium Deposits Plan Joint Venture (10/06/2018)
The close proximity of two properties offers promise of synergies for these firms.
Canadian Gold Company Closes CA$11.6 Million Financing (10/06/2018)
The firm intends to use the funds on its three past-producing mines in the U.S. Great Basin.
Gold Explorer Reports 'Best Channel Sample to Date' at Peru Project (10/06/2018)
Cumulative sampling reveals high-grade gold mineralization in two adjacent zones.
Canadian Oil & Gas Firm 'Too Cheap to Ignore' (10/06/2018)
A Pareto Securities report highlighted the disconnect between this energy company's current share price and where it should be.
A Mining Analyst's Perspective on the Industry (10/04/2018)
A mining analyst with decades in the industry, Kees Dekker, in this interview with The Critical Investor, discusses not only his experience as an analyst in the field, but also numerous criteria that he recommends for investors to use when doing their due diligence.
SGBX Makes a Move into Residential (10/04/2018)
An innovative company that uses shipping containers as building blocks has entered the residential market, reports Daniel Carlson of Tailwinds Research.
Cobalt Development Firm Changes President/CEO at Critical Juncture (10/04/2018)
Two analysts relayed the relevant background of the newly appointed executive and shared their thoughts about the timing of the replacement.
Technical Analyst Says 'Upside Breakout Imminent' on Red Lake Gold Explorer (10/04/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maunds charts a gold explorer that made a high-grade discovery this summer.
Bob Moriarty: From the Geopolitical to the Geological (10/04/2018)
Precious metals expert Bob Moriarty, in a wide-ranging conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, discusses trade wars and trade pacts, real wars, precious metals and some equities that have grabbed his attention.
DURECT Receives Return on Schizophrenia Drug Approval (10/03/2018)
A new, once-monthly injectable treatment for schizophrenia uses patents of a small-cap, U.S.-based pharmaceutical firm.
Extending the Perimeter: The PATSCAN Suite of Threat Detection Technologies (10/03/2018)
In light of the multiple mass murders at schools, theaters, live events and other venues, public safety and security have increasingly become hot topics. Daniel Carlson of Tailwinds Research profiles a company whose suite of products offers a high-tech approach to threat detection and prevention.
Atomera's Integration License: What It Means (10/03/2018)
A semiconductor materials and licensing company focused on deploying its proprietary technology into the semiconductor industry has announced its first integration license. Daniel Carlson of Tailwinds Research explains what that means for the company.
Fieldwork Well Underway at Graphite Project in Guinea (10/03/2018)
This Canadian company's feasibility study remains on target.
ALLEGIANT Finishes Drilling at One Project, Starts at Second (10/03/2018)
ALLEGIANT's roughly year-long drill program in Nevada is progressing.
Company with Cancer Radiotherapy Grows Revenue for Six Consecutive Quarters (10/03/2018)
An H.C. Wainwright & Co. report reviewed this company's Q4/18 earnings and opportunities for increasing it.
Surgical Robotics Developer Demonstrates Technology at Medical Conference (10/03/2018)
A Ladenburg Thalmann report relayed how this Massachusetts company participated at the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics annual meeting through a live transmission—the first ever—of a remote interventional procedure using the CorPath GRX system.
How Commodities Will Perform in the 'Impending Massive Credit Crunch' (10/03/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund looks at the factors that he sees are behind a massive credit crunch and discusses how the markets could react.
Western Uranium and Vanadium: A VERY Timely Name Change (10/02/2018)
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger explains why he believes the stars are aligning for vanadium and uranium.
Internet Accessibility Stock 'Shaping Up for a Major Bull Market' (10/02/2018)
A company whose technology makes the internet accessible to more people is the focus of technical analyst Clive Maund's update.
Company Initiates Blockchain Technology for Real Estate Transactions to Counter Rampant Fraud (10/02/2018)
Technical analyst Clive Maund is following this company whose varied projects include blockchain technology for real estate transactions, a solar power project in Puerto Rico and a California land deal.
Jack Chan: A Bottoming Pattern May Be in Process (10/02/2018)
Technical expert Jack Chan updates the gold and silver charts, including what he believes to be a bottoming pattern.
Explorer Releases Drill Results from Alaska Copper-Gold Project (10/02/2018)
Gregory Beischer, president and CEO of Millrock Resources, in conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, talks about the recently released drill results from the Alaska Range Project as well as developments at its Mexican properties.
Lithium Explorer Files PEA, Launches PFS Work for Nevada Project (10/01/2018)
The company outlined the next steps for its lithium operation.
'Highly Undervalued' Oil & Gas Company Adds High-Impact Play in Alberta, Offers 'Multibagger Return Potential' (10/01/2018)
A Mackie Research Capital note reviewed this E&P firm's newest high-impact play in Alberta that offers the "potential to hold up to 60 million barrels of original oil in place."
Stock in Vanguard of Drive to Phase Out Antibiotics in Animal Feed (10/01/2018)
As the worldwide movement to ban antibiotics as a growth promoter in animal feed gains traction, technical analyst Clive Maund has called an "immediate strong buy" on a company that has developed an alternative.
A Promising Cannabis Beverage Stock and a Technical Assessment of Tilray Inc. (10/01/2018)
Sector expert Clive Maund takes a look at a pair of cannabis-sector stocks, suggesting what investors pull out of one might be well placed in the second.
Moving Ahead with Graphite in Madagascar (10/01/2018)
With graphite an in-demand metal for lithium-ion batteries and other uses, Dan Weir, executive chairman of DNI Metals, in conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, discusses the supply and demand situation for graphite, his company's recent settlement with Cougar Metals, and DNI's production plans.
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